Bridge replacement on Illinois 29 near Millersville begins March 31
SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Transportation announced a lane closure on Illinois 29 near Millersville in Christian County for the replacement of a bridge and culvert. Construction begins Monday, March 31.
This project replaces aging infrastructure, which will help enhance safety and improve ride quality through an important corridor in Christian County. Additionally, this project will require a detour for users of the Lincoln Heritage pedestrian trail. Signs will be posted for users to follow. Work is expected to be completed in mid-October.
Temporary traffic signals will be installed to assist with traffic control. Motorists can expect delays and should consider an alternate route. Drivers are urged to pay close attention to changed conditions and signs in the work zones, obey the posted speed limits, refrain from using mobile devices and be alert for workers and equipment.
Over the next six years, IDOT is planning to improve more than 3,200 miles of highway and nearly 9 million square feet of bridge deck as part of Rebuild Illinois, which is investing $33.2 billion into all modes of transportation. Accomplishments through Year Five of Rebuild Illinois include approximately $16 billion of improvements statewide on 6,541 miles of highway, 686 bridges and 986 additional safety improvements.
For IDOT District 6 updates, follow us on Twitter at @IDOTDistrict6 or view area construction details on IDOT’s traveler information map on
Joe Schatteman
Paul Wappel