U.S. 24 and Nofsinger Road lanes open Dec. 18

WASHINGTON – The Illinois Department of Transportation announced that the newly constructed intersection of U.S. 24 and Nofsinger Road in Washington will open on Dec. 18.

Currently, U.S. 24 is fully open to traffic in both directions, and the newly constructed Nofsinger Road remains closed. Additionally, the newly placed traffic signals at U.S. 24 and Nofsinger are currently flashing yellow for all U.S. 24 traffic. Traffic signals to control the intersection of U.S. 24 and new Nofsinger will also be fully activated.

The project realigned the intersection so that both legs of Nofsinger Road intersect U.S. 24 at 90-degree angles and are lined up with one another, constructed geometrically appropriate lane configurations, installed traffic signals with dilemma zone detection, and constructed a multiuse path (crossing U.S 24) within the right of way.

For more information on IDOT projects, click here. For IDOT District 4 updates, follow us on Twitter at @IDOTDistrict4 or view area construction details on IDOT’s traveler information map on GettingAroundIllinois.com and www.gettingaroundpeoria.com.

Kimberly Hoskins

Communications Outreach Liaison – Region 3 (District 4, District 5), Illinois Department of Transportation




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